Lifestyle Newsletter
Our Lifestyle newsletter is the best farming tool available. It is designed to be mailed to a specific subdivision or neighborhood, making you instantly recognizable as the real estate expert in the community of your choice. The publication is customized with the community name, your expertise and current real estate activity in the area.
Why is it so effective?
- Homeowners associate you as their neighborhood agent
- You become a trusted advisor and local real estate authority
- “Own” the neighborhood and lock out your competitors with our exclusivity agreement
- Captures homeowners’ attention the moment they pull it out of the mailbox
- Every issue creates a virtual relationship between you and your potential client
- Its superior design, concept and content dwarfs other marketing homeowners receive from other agents
- The electronic version of your customized publication is invaluable for unlimited internet marketing right at your fingertips!
- After receiving your valued newsletter month after month, when it’s time to buy or sell, can you image that homeowners won’t contact YOU?
Click on an image below to view.